We own what we view as the most qualified 18-22 global investments in each portfolio. Concentrating allows adequate diversification while providing the opportunity to maximize returns and minimize loss. Most research shows that holding 10-12 uncorrelated investments allows for adequate diversification. Owning 18-22 allows us to concentrate in our best ideas while allowing for potential overlapping risk factors or correlations. Concentrating in our best ideas allows our global investment team to form a deep understanding of each business through in-depth research and continual refinement of each case over time. We take a private equity-like approach to vetting each business and engaging on an ongoing basis with our management teams. Our concentrated approach also applies to how we run our business. We employ a single, consistent investment approach. We understand and stick to our circle of competence and only seed new strategies when we find an opportunity set where we want to invest our own capital that we cannot access in our current funds. We operate a team-driven structure. We have a concentrated research team of 15 generalists across our three research offices. The team is deep and experienced enough to adequately cover the globe but nimble enough to effectively collaborate across borders.
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We believe that our 100% independent, employee ownership and singular business focus best aligns us—both as an organization and as individuals—with the long-term interests of our clients. With no external parent or public shareholders to serve, we are empowered to run our business with a lasting, client-centric perspective. With no proprietary trading or market-making operations, we are able to concentrate our efforts solely on our core activity of investment management. And with our employees and their families having significant personal capital invested alongside that of our clients—plus 100% of employee deferred cash compensation directly linked to team and firm strategies—we are truly in this together.
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Stage 1: Understand how much risk we need to reach our targets Client outcomes drive our investment process and to achieve our minimum return targets, we start with how much risk we need to take over the longer term. In it’s simplest form, this is expressed as a percentage of the risk of investing in purely global shares. - Stage 2: Identify the investments with the best growth potential. Next we decide which asset classes to allocate capital towards, requiring us to identify and understand the best available opportunities around the world. To do this, we work with independent economists as well as those close to markets, to build a broad and balanced outlook. - Stage 3: Decide how much risk to take right now Every month we review whether to increase or decrease the risk of our portfolios, while always remaining within the agreed risk budget. Within any client’s mandate we can routinely flex risk up to around 110% and down to around 85% of the long term risk needed to deliver target returns. - Stage 4: Build the portfolio This requires careful thought, not only about the potential returns from the investments identified in stage 2, but also how they interact and piece together. Our aim is to construct an efficient portfolio that offers the best risk reward profile within the tactical risk budget from stage 3.
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We believe our disciplined approach to diversification and strict adherence to focused investment criteria give our partners access to a well-diversified portfolio of high-quality opportunities in a low-cost investment vehicle. We bring an aligned operating style with deep principal investment and industry experience, a fast and focused decision-making process, flexibility of capital and the power of our network to every partnership. Since 2017, we try to live up to those principles. We value experience but have an eye for innovation. Our culture is strong; our teams are independent. Company fundamentals and client objectives are what drive us, not the noise of the markets. That is the art of investing, the art of partnership, the art of service.
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